Who dares to stand up for OPTION II Evolution versus Fulfillment If Gorbachev's wif had known... It's Health-Wealth-Fulfillment Shop the top if you do your bit... The New Science is born... Who started it? More than art for art' sake!
© Copyright 2014, personal usage is encouraged, Dr. Peter Meier Zürich (Switzerland)
Designed in view of LifeFulfilling Platforms based on OPTION II

About US

“US” stands for somewhat united Human Systems (individuals, their

relationships, teams, up to cultures) - here I mean those united by

understanding each others OPTION II, not under some general OPTION I!

My current life is a success to the degree I fulfill my innate OPTION II, my vocation about my Life- through Task-Fulfillment. It wasn’t always this way; I  spent my first 35 years until 1979 under the unresolved problem of OPTION I getting entangled in the rat race for mass- attractivity, hoping to succeed in my profession as a physicist. Though technically speaking I was very successful with a Ph.D. in Laboratory Astrophysics, with a patent in an electronic device to verify banknotes, and then as the head of the Swiss Cryptology Lab. Then something happened; my divorce based on incompatible world views and the corresponding prejudices. Later I became a technical director but my vocation had other intentions with me. And so I met a very entertaining psychologist who had been played with the 5000 year old 64 Chinese open (prepare)-ended (worked out) generative (multiply) principles (establish) of the I GING in a YIN/YANG challenging workshop. The penny dropped for me far beyond what that man could foresee; Applied Personal Science APS© was born! The impact that presence had on my future life meant a shift from profession (OPTION I of other-determinedness in the Zeitgeist) to my vocation (OPTION II we all innately have available since that is who we essentially are in personally relevant ways), within a week! So I became a self-realizing entrepreneur for the 2nd part of my life:
  Able to model the possible 1728 principles of life-fulfillment, to then identify their relevance for each interested, interesting human system (me, you, Barack Obama, friends and partners, our relation-ships, teams and cultures), we can got beyond the still prevailing world under the permanently self-destructive OPTION I world; towards their innate relationship truths to apply them in life-practical ways to understand and realize each others OPTION II on LifeFulfilling Platforms - FIT421... 
Lifefulfillment is the highest art...
ReDeSign by Dr. Peter Meier LESA   Leading Edge Science Advisor Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich (Switzerland)
From US as the mass with mobbing, towards synergy with each other: