Gallery: Evolution under OPTION I or Life- through Task-Fulfillment with YOUR OPTION II
Click to enlarge - this gallery is not art for art’ sake, it point to the red thread of this site - experience the sequence to understand...
© Copyright 2014, personal usage is encouraged, Dr. Peter Meier Zürich (Switzerland)
Designed in view of LifeFulfilling Platforms based on OPTION II
Being myself 9Pp, based on what is F9-fundamentally
essential, I am preparing a Process with YOU !
Get an idea of the required practical experience and the
framework towards LifeFulfilling Platforms with FIT421...
I am a human being too; a great lady called me “the
great thinker with a big heart” - and that is required for
fulfilling 9Pp:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Art#0 has 4 Aspects of pointing to
something relevant such as a reality not apparent, say
by generally understood words#2, or roadsigns#0
to an entity#3 and its relationship truth#3, which is
what I do on this site, or physics, to relevant law#1 of
nature for a desirably sustainable technology...
to a creation with a desired atmosphere#0 either
empowering OPTION I or OPTION II, and for the former,
seduce the observer to something artificial or a trap to
mislead, trick and instrumentalize people such as with
idols, lies, cheating, rhetoric, dividing and fragmenting
their attention in order to rule them under OPTION I...
and then the news turn societies upside down as is
already happening in the growing trouble spots...
The catch for (4) is that the observer is free, yet called to
go along 4-peacefully beginning with the F1/41 OPTION I
maintaining filter by which whatever and whoever
trespasses this political correctness of the Zeitgeist, is
prejudged as 1-very bad and treated that flattening way, up
to crucifixion and later, in the Flat Earth Society!
Since, based on my 9Pp-being, I uses my §1-right for
expression to open-up and overcame the dangerous
(within it the Titanic sank 1912) F9/22 filter, according to
the mainstream opinions and the pre-trans-traps of the
social compatibility, this and eventually me, is seen for
OPTION I rightly, as 2-bad, even if this mobbing results in
the bad and then worse, as we have all suffered from
[login to your Facebook] and come out from being conceit
with who you really are...that is what it is all about!
I care about representing that past, which has a
lifefulfilling future... guess what that can be for you!
by Dr. Peter Meier LESA
Leading Edge Science Advisor
Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich (Switzerland)
These Pictures convey an Experience within many Cultures, with People from many walks of Life: