There is GOOD NEWS: there
is a lifefulfilling EXIT
STRATEGY from the truly
undesirable consequences
of the OPTION I defaulting
in performing one’s F1-9:
Each and everyone of us
1) is challenged by the bad
news about the systems
dominated by OPTION I Spin in
individually specific ways!
2) has an inner essential
resource (some of the 16 white
keys) to cope.
available to fulfill his or her F1-9
in personally relevant lifefulfiling
ways; mine for F3 entails my
t-thinking about the H2 order
superior to the OPTION I one...
© Copyright 2014, personal usage is encouraged, Dr. Peter Meier Zürich (Switzerland)
Designed in view of LifeFulfilling Platforms based on OPTION II
The possible sciences allow to embellish rule speed up and amplify / synergy
by Dr. Peter Meier LESA
Leading Edge Science Advisor
Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich (Switzerland)
EXIT Strategy for the BAD NEWS OPTION I
The amazing exact Model of the OPTION I Machination
Human systems (individuals via relationships up to cultures) have an
awareness of their p=past, n=now-present, f=future, in terms of
seemingly 2-bad, 3-unsatisfactory, 4-satisfactory, 5-good, 6-very good.
Based on research, matching historical reality under OPTION I, the
outcome eventually 2-bad, or 1-very bad, as follows:
THE BAD NEWS stems from Cm>Bm; multiplying Communication of
mere opinions up to politically manipulating them towards Boundary
conditions and multiplying them in mass-attractive ways. This is what
constitutes OPTION I leading to “divide and rule”, among others too
many chiefs caused the confusion in the arrogant project of the Tower
of Babel and in consequence, the dispersion of Jews all over the
world up to the post-normality of our time! And that has thrown its
shadow generation after generation onto each and everyone of us. It
limits understanding each other and that inhibits synergy towards
LifeFulfilling Platforms. And such is now the state of what is called
“democracy”; it has degenerated into a demo with crazy selfies.
PAST HISTORY SHOWS that OPTION I “fulfills”, rather self-destroys
itself, in a 1-very bad p-past F2(fp)-performances in view of which
F6(np) controlling has become corrupted 2-badly! That provides a 2-
bad framework for F4(pp) management. This blunder of OPTION I is
usually covered up by the fig leaves of F2-marketing hypes promising
a 5-good future. In addition faked statements are made about a 5-
good presence and F6-having it all under control, which makes the
past F4-ruling look 4-appeasing in the sense of: don’t you worry, we’ll
fix it up again mate! Just check what comes up in your memories of
the 20th century: all the wonderful technological fixes, OR the bad
environmental activities, and the very bad human sacrifice and
general wastage which has made that century the worst so far!
So let us face it NOW; the past non-substantial embellishment of
what has been going on under OPTION I, has led to 1-very bad
aberrations in the n-now by some F5(fn) present entrepreneurs, say
banksters, managers and politicians, which limit coping with the
F8(nn) otherwise 1-very bad necessities, and coming up with 2-bad
F3(pn) products that pollute the air, the water and the Earth! And
that with, at closer look 3-unsatisfactory F5-enterprises we are made
to become part of, making us believe they are F8-necessary for a 5-
good present, say of the economy and its managers, by deploying
empty promises based on a seemingly 6-very good F3-resolution of
this approach in the past - such as conquering America and the
realization of the American Dream...
In the FUTURE we will all know; such bubbles result in 2-bad
preconditions for considering F9(pf) basics sufficiently; that leads to
a 2-bad f-future, leaving only 1-very bad possibilities for a better
F7(ff)-influence on each other, people to leader and vice versa.
Therefore the creation and implementation of F1(nf) innovations
before the otherwise unavoidable 1-very bad point of no return from
human catastrophe can and is tampered with. And all of that is the
consequence of prejudging undesirable F9-”prophets” or concerned
scientists as being 2-bad for business. Then ambitious F7-consultants
can, detached from any relevant relationship truths (F7 from F9),
under OPTION I, in sin so to speak, promise a spin of a 6-very good
future instead, and innovators 4-appease enough people and decision
makers, making them assume we pretend to live in the best of all
possible worlds and that there is no option except OPTION I. All the
then required sacrifice of human lifefulfillment, then allows the
arrogant OPTION I show to go on while people turn a blind eye on the
signs of the then unavoidable outcome mentioned above!
Demanding - no see - no hear up and beyond the point of no return,
then once more, the intellectuals can profile themselves by pointing
to the coming disaster, in a way to prepare the masses for the next
trend for their best selling ride - at the cost of their target group! So
if you are eager to remain socially compatible, do not spoil their
game, unlike me, accept the
F1/41 filter: - no say... remain appeased, it is not your job to save
the world from OPTION I - is it? And who do you think you are by the
way, considering something impossible beyond the norm against all
odds, and beyond what others think and agree among each other?
YOUR personally relevant F1-9 EXIT Strategies for overcoming such
F1-9 filtering outer and inner voices are available at the leading edge
of science; coaching until success included...
Please CLICK to find out about Applying the Filter-Format [Pop-up]
My F3 exist strategy by which I can trans-
cend the F3/62 [Facebook-video link - Love II
or Fear I...] pre-trans-trap filter: It takes
off with 1) my 6-challenge to qualify 2)
my 3) inner t-thinking with properly doing
justice to the >6-very good, which can
only be the relevant existential substance,
and 4) fulfilling in within the H2- superior
order. My F3-output therefore among
others, is this site, without which the
world sees more 2-bad products made
mass-attractive with 6-very good
marketing and little consideration of the
Under OPTION I news tend to emotional dramas, here, towards overcoming: