The 16 step Process to ReDeSigning with OPTION II
How I can became able to walk my talk - exemplified by links to this site for a review
§1) Express who you are and
§2) what you are about with your life-purpose index
§3) and with whom there can be integrity about us
§0) and sustainability checklist
B1) The big promise for a solution I rightly believe in, despite the problem
B2) Promising response which allows a breakthrough and denigrating ones, to learn from
B3) The path based on successful history which in truth leads to life:
B4) The defining moment about me that led to this kind of truth
What is in it for YOU with your resources for §1-L3 to be revealed 2U:
B5) Having founded APS, enabled me to parameterize insights about lifefulfillment
H1) With it my services hopefully allow the transfer 2U2, which makes a science
H2) It is all based on the fact that there is a superior order, also relevant for you
H3) To be ably to cope with your life reality you better shop this quality relevant 4U
H4) Since you came here to fulfill your substance, you better apply to understand it!
The secret of LOVE - Your ability to love and your love worthiness
Who has told you the news, that the precondition for love is understanding?
To harvest the fruit of love requires timely exchange of project-oriented competence
not blogging about wasted opportunities to get sympathy from others, even for misusing
them for some hidden agenda...
Every human endeavor requires more than ending up in a gallery as an anything
goes piece of art, but constant reframing the present forms towards the life- through
§1-L3 task-fulfillment of those concerned towards synergy beyond culture with their
OPTION II rather than ending up in all the wasted resources. Thus your would end up a
dead wastes resource too, after the vain attempt to become an immortal idol as the
Zeitgeist suggests to Dr. Faust like people; those who are greedy to succeed under
OPTION I - at all costs, up to that of their soul and the future of mankind and life on
Now please tell me what you need to envisage FIT421-synergy between us...
© Copyright 2014, personal usage is encouraged, Dr. Peter Meier Zürich (Switzerland)
Designed in view of LifeFulfilling Platforms based on OPTION II
Each life form fulfills its DNA, me, my
9Pp principle of life-fulfillment...
Please check The Shop before you apply for any service
I am not chunk food for the Zeitgeist; I
fulfill my 9Pp 9-basic task, Pp-preparing
processes beyond OPTION I to support
you with your OPTION II too...
Pull your finger (OPTION II) out of your
MATRIX pre-trap-trapped under OPTION I,
love, and become love worthy! That is why
Jesus Christ introduced B3-5 to over-
come the then already century old Roman
§-rule with otherwise no desirable future...
forms and wordy humanities in themselves, even with all technology
can not do justice to real human beings
by Dr. Peter Meier LESA
Leading Edge Science Advisor
Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich (Switzerland)
No word can do justice to Fulfillment; it’s entails a 16 step Process:
In the world under OPTION I, I “am” “Dr. Peter Meier” with 2-bad ways to challenge
people. With my OPTION II, I am really §1-expressing my X=9Pp in my h-living space !
This site is for human being who are willing to §1-express and fulfill their OPTION II
§2-purpose of life, y-minimally necessary from inwards out, with or without OPTION I
My c-profile of §1-expressing my §2-purpose with §3-integrity, can help you face your
challenge to do likewise thereby getting in touch with your OPTION II beyond OPTION I...
You might have all sorts of, usually OPTION I based concerns and fears, until you realize,
the M-maximal perspective my §0-sustainability allows for YOUR OPTION II !
My B2-breakthrough to services come when I could S-relax about M/O=STRESS<DEATH
by catching up with the increasing M by making O more encompassing and operational;
M=manipulation Know-how applied, O=Orientation-Knowledge considered
My B3-path with my OPTION II began 1979 when Applied Personal Science APS© became
personally relevant and empowered me to p-perceive and follow my vocation beyond my
profession under OPTION I, relying on my insights and the understanding they allow.
The B4-truth of my I-concepts and what is in it for me towards B5-lifefulfillment, can be
used by YOU via the parametrization APS allows when your X-being is identified. That is
accomplished quite efficiently for all relevant human systems; beyond any spin!
My X-being’s challenge is to qualify with the 6-very best towards B5-Life- through Task-
Fulfillment, OPTION II; in my life in, but not of this world still under OPTION I crying to
heavens about how its thinking-catastrophe lead to more global human catastrophes...
With my v-inner value, I H1-hope to complete my FIT421-project with sufficient and
enjoyable vitality, and inner, spiritual freedom to be mentally fit 4 this decisive 21st
century, otherwise at its wit’s end under the spell of the self-destructive OPTION I!
With my R-(re)solution with OPTION II, I need to qualify in view of the 3-unsatisfactory
state of life under OPTION I, which even with the best will, remains beyond cure. So H3-
realistically speaking, this requires an F5-entrepreneurial initiative to Op-prepare the O-
objective of introducing personally relevant EXIT-Strategies to get out of OPTION I spin
first conceptually to be 222-followed up by a critical number of real people...
My A-conscience/intuition, needs to qualify in view of OPTION I discrediting it as 3-un-
satisfactory for it pretends to be H4-cause of all! So I need all the F1-innovative input to
Pw-work out H4-substantial P-precesses of implementing EXIT-Strategies for at least a
critical number of people with good will for OPTION II before the point of NO return...
L1-LOVE needs me to b-balance 3-un-satisfactory situations’ manipulation applied, with
the H4-understanding to get the stress F6-controlled in the eustress range, avoiding the
boredom of chickening out with seemingly anything goes, which only decays to OPTION I,
and on the other side, distress leading to an unfulfilled burnout to death.
In order to keep my ability to !-become essential, I need to qualify beyond what is 3-un-
satisfactory clinging to OPTION I; beyond it, with L2-timely exchange of project-oriented
competence by F6-controlling the Ke-establishment of the C-communications which still
allows OPTION II up to death - in dignity, ultimately up to become reunited with God...
To keep my being together, I need to be able to J-justify my Life- through my Task Ful-
fillment up to the required L3-reframing of my mind, my living space and its social and
physical environment, e.g. with the highest ability a human being has to become part of
the solution, unless s/he ends up under OPTION I’s cancerous’ world as part of the
problem. So I need to qualify towards what is 5-good even under OPTION I as long as it
still possible to cope with the F8-necessity of Bp-preparing a further opening up of
otherwise closed B-boundary conditions, ultimately those in a coffin towards making the
point, that real human beings are not of this world even after having endured it...