© Copyright 2014, personal usage is encouraged, Dr. Peter Meier Zürich (Switzerland)
Designed in view of LifeFulfilling Platforms based on OPTION II

The Ultimate X-Logic

YOUR Life is the Answer to your challenge of

YOUR Life- through Task-Fulfillment

  Here I indicate the basic Cm-logic of this site that allows you to face this basic challenge of human existence. C-communicative answers to existential questions that m-multiply, are attempted with personally-neutral Philo-sophy, Theo-, and Psychology. Instead of their dogma-tisms, the hard, number-based sciences began with hypothesis to disprove or improve them in experiments carried out in material laboratories, methodically and accurately.    Also in spirituality, saints and mystics put up the hypothesis: "If there is God, we should be able to experience HIM in the human body”. In their spirito-logy, these experiments involve focusing attention according to the logic of what is called the Science of Spirituality. And just as in scientific experiments, SoS claims reproducible results by applying its technique of meditation.  And that is then supposed to answer the question of the existence of God and how we can and should relate to HIM as our Creator. Thus SoS in fact claims to have thus laid the F9-foundation  for science as its bottom-line and purpose. Does that claim stand in the light of the reality of personally relevant human existence?...

...No wordy science can it! But what can?

The fact is, in the end you live and die individually, and in between your options to fulfill your life, your X-being as your identity, cannot be generalized let alone differentiated sufficiently with words. But the possible X can accurately be modeled with 1728 personally relevant open-ended generative principle p-oegp, out of which ones to do sufficient justice to YOUR innate  OPTION II for Life- through Task-Fulfillment! In addition, the general temptation to default to the Cm>Bm spin of OPTION I, with its filters of B-boundary conditions the m-multiply, making YOU weak for your own eights temptations, the so-called dark inner voices can be modeled as well! That provides the concepts for you to make up your mind for your self!  But please acknowledge that under-standing requires a way of appropriate expression just as physics cannot be understood with denotational English and requires relevant mathematics! Therefor, I use colors and abbreviations defined in the context, just like a programmer uses subroutines. Getting that right, is the first step in science relevant in terms of reality and substance/existence beginning with the laws of nature,  up to YOUR innate ones! To cultivate a way of expression just for its own sake, detached from anything real or substantial, leads to Cm-mad attractive  OPTION I thinking catastrophes; the Bm-pathway of the mass to the hell of human catastrophes! In this unrest on all levels, meditation for inner experience can be a good way to calm your mind from the OPTION I hassles, so you can consider OPTION II  and give it enough meaning in your life. At first it might have to take place in the darkness of what multiplies under OPTION I, with hardly any voice or glamor. Then rather than following such illusions, you can consider YOUR EXIT-Strategy from that OPTION I MATRIX - to Save Your Soul - your capability of relating to inner experiences, the pre-condition for understanding - to prevent being swallowed under OPTION I divided by some forms and ritual, e.g. social filters, from your OPTION II, so your castrated rest can be ruled...  

From Philosophy to Spiritology and Beyond

Reality Philosophy Spiritology Matter nouns physical       mass-attractive Space adverbs astral          ego-bound   Energy verbs causal Time ideology supracausal     experience of Existence arguments Sach Khant      wholeness  Spiritology claims that the divine sound and image  emanates through Creation and keeps living beings alive: According to their argumentation, the above mentioned five realms can only be fully experienced in a human body whereby a spiritual master is required to initiate the inner ear and (the 3rd) eye. Then by meditating, a human being can grow personally on an inner journey to Sach Kant/Heavens to eventually become existentially reunited with God.   To overcome mere identification with the physical within the social - OPTION I - body / culture / world, a feeling for gratefulness for one’s personally relevant existence, with humility towards God and so-called self-less service, Cm-prepare people for spirituality.  However, the self-less latter disagrees with the two former which require a self with inner substance to be grateful and humble in view of God’s Creation and self, as HIS Creature.    This highlights the limitations of words-based x-sophies and x-logics and their fig-leaves of dogmas, ideologies and embellished argumentations with wordy sounds in charismatic andr forceful appearances. And this reveals the Failure of the 3 Faculties [YouTube 2 min.] of publicly organized sciences to do justice to relationship truths in the life-time of living human beings!  

Beyond Meditation - Adequate Understanding:

With your OPTION II, you have 16 general ethical levels  to fulfill the 9 functions in time with an impact in some of the 16 social impact dimensions. Together with your X-identity as your being/ground- state, you have 16 essential states of being  as “white life-piano keys” (can be seen as the master power/intuitive conscience) and 8 non-essential, “black keys”.  For each X there is a set of relationship truths by which the white keys can qualify and be fulfilled and how they are tempted under OPTION I, generally, as well as egoistically, being ignorant/arrogant.  Physics requires the relevant mathematics to express its relationship truth beyond all the wordy ideologies, which in  principle are inadequate to understand the laws of nature, and even more, real human systems. For the latter,  the mentioned relationship truths require the logic of the relevant, so far suppressed and thus generally unknown and not cared for, p-oegp, which are thus missing every- where under OPTION I! Only relevant p-oegp can shed light on the puzzle pieces of the whole to be understood sufficiently in their substance, based on experiences you  may mostly already have available to care for in your own appropriate p-oegp terms. This is called walking a mile in someone else’s shoes, before a sound judgement (F8>F9) is possible. On the other side, insisting on the wordy filters requires human sacrifice for maintaining OPTION I with its convinc- ing wordy power over social mass-hysteria - political correctness - by the scribes & Co with their spin of the Zeitgeist in which YOU have no meaning whatsoever. So beware of ideologies which aim to get you dissolved in something bigger, like a drop in the ocean! There is only a small step from there to fascism and fundamentalism of all kinds! Relating to what is universal, as timeless, eternal by understanding, is something else; it asks for lifefulfill- ment with the awareness of relationship truth about what the Creator has set up as the relevant framework and order for that purpose in your life!
Who dares to stand up for OPTION II Evolution versus Fulfillment If Gorbachev's wif had known... It's Health-Wealth-Fulfillment Shop the top if you do your bit... The New Science is born... Who started it? More than art for art' sake!
ReDeSign by Dr. Peter Meier LESA   Leading Edge Science Advisor Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich (Switzerland)
There is a life to be fulfilled before death not some ideology !
Historically, out of the Cm-many gods cults, evolved the Bm-monotheism of the Jews with their scribes within the tightly held OPTION I Roman Empire. Then Jesus Christ introduced the provoking OPTION II, yet the Empire struck back and much later on also the Vatican until it was opened up by the Reformation. And fed by the Vatican, Mohamed repeated that evolution out of the many gods cults of the Arabs of his time. Then the Muslims got out of hand of the worldly power of the Roman Church, and the Popes used Crusades to hold their “HolyEmpire together. Later on the Inquisition was introduced to contain Europe under the power of the Pope, partly through misusing the Jews as scapegoats and blaming them for having being blocked by their own scribes; OPTION I fundamentalists in disagreement with the pretending OPTION II of the Vatican. Then capitalism as the new materialistic OPTION II evolved out of the OPTION I feudalism within the global rule of the Vatican and was eventually countered by Communism in its Evil Empire, and Fascism with its 3rd Reich. And now all these fragments, and more, compete with each other in the International Disorder in the rat/arms race for a say in the Zeitgeist, now in the cultural clash between the philosophically ‘reformed‘ western world and the religiously unreformed rest of the world, atheistic Chinese materialism, and Russia striving against the US Oil Empire to recreate its past Empire and all under the Damocles Sword of financial, environmental crises and atom-proliferation getting out of control, in the west people getting fat and degenerate, in the rest world sick and starving - hell turned lose, congruent with the innately self-destructive dynamic of OPTION I which all its elite are conditioned to arrogantly ignore in favor of keeping their mass-attractive positions at the expense of the mass kept in ignorance of the consequences of such thinking catastrophes...