© Copyright 2014, personal usage is encouraged, Dr. Peter Meier Zürich (Switzerland)
Designed in view of LifeFulfilling Platforms based on OPTION II
My History with my OPTION II Con-Science#3
Conscience is the basis for understanding each other, to allow claiming
one’s OPTION II and supporting that of others..., rather than
succumbing under some some general OPTION I hype!
Before the Fall of the Wall, in 1990 I exemplified the life-principle of
Mikhail Gorbachev in a public lecture before some 600 consultants and
timidly proclaimed: “Gorbachev will not enter history as the
administrator of the Soviet Union...”. He rather applied his OPTION II
to reframe it! His wife was stuck on her OPTION I position of fame as a
First Lady, and according to the Peter Principle did not survive the
redesign of her world.
What was good enough at that time, then after 11 years of applied
research, is still be more than good enough for you! In the meantime
the life-practical part of APS© and its operational implementations
have developed beyond the wildest imagination I had at that time!
They have been tested in a mother-child clinic in Germany for
sustainable trauma treatment based on modeling the individual
psycho-somatic interface; under the critical eyes of the medical
director! Also all I convey here haven been applied with people in many
cultures around the globe with deep personal experiences.
So, your next step with good will, as an engineer has towards physics,
if he/she is not an opportunistic tinkerer, is to take action to make use
of this OPTION II 4U2. It is not meant to be consumed as mental
pornography as the scribes do, if you know what I mean! And you will,
when still in touch with your OPTION II, and not having sold your soul to
OPTION I, and thus still with good will to do what it takes to
understand your OPTION II.
Born Nov. 5, 1944, before kindergarten, in a
decisive moment, I realized there is something
deeply wrong with the prevailing OPTION I and also
that you cannot force a change to the better! It
took me 35 years to 1979, for the penny to drop
how to model OPTION II with 1728 open-ended
generative principles in personally relevant ways.
That onset was the desert; then I spent decades to
work out the relationship truths down to OPTION I.
Thus my OPTION I hope to become President of the
spirit of the Time faded away as the problem this
approach pretends to be the solution of! Instead I
model, among others, US-Presidents to pave the
path to overcome the Zeitgeist as the Leading Edge
Scientific Advisor for whoever cares for his or her
OPTION II missing science in life-practical ways...
by Dr. Peter Meier LESA
Leading Edge Science Advisor
Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich (Switzerland)
It’s Time for the possible personal history with OPTION II !