-4 Limited to these
8 black keys
+2 people give up
*3 to what is
?0 attractive for
ZG %1 the mass
%6 %5 in its
awful trend towards
well known wasted life...
© Copyright 2014, personal usage is encouraged, Dr. Peter Meier Zürich (Switzerland)
Designed in view of LifeFulfilling Platforms based on OPTION II
The possible sciences allow to embellish rule speed up and amplify / synergy
by Dr. Peter Meier LESA
Leading Edge Science Advisor
Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich (Switzerland)
The Cultivated Avoidance and EXIT Attempts
So far they aim at personally neutral hierarchies with different
freedoms, rights and duties pointing to heavens...
Here is the conceptual OPTION I machination by which %-hierarchies
become possible and can be made mass-attractive by dividing the %-
majority of people so they can be ruled:
relevant to the degree you sacrifice
your life to embellish OPTION I so its
show can go on; you attached to it until
you die having your soul sold that way
for a bit a mass-attractivity in the world!
Thus the poor your soul would be in the
back-ground, helpless to experience life
and grow, senselessly withering away
loosing all measure as generations
before... out of touch...
... without grace, lost in the emotions
of tension - anger - guilt, via the
psychosomatic interface, in physical
OPTION II entails the following 2 sufficient steps for YOU:
Turn your ?0-attention away from the ephemeral OPTION I, inwards
with your conscientious *3 will, taming your ego that way, attaching
your mind to the innate relationship truths relevant for YOUR
lifefulfillment - as a Creature of the Creator thus interested in YOU! Do
not fall for the temptation to tame the 8 black OPTION I keys with
Then proceed with the 4 steps of the EXIT Strategy towards fulfilling
your basic functions F1-9 beyond +2/-4 sins and %-defaulting allowing
the experience in view of, not in and under one’s own OPTION I, but
with one’s OPTION II - your innate master, your being as God’s
creature - as son or daughter - thus God and HIS Holy Spirit is in you
and in all Creation to guide you; HE does not need to come from
outside like the consequences of your sins...
This way you learn to read the most important book, that about
YOUR inner life ready to be understood by you, which is real life.
There is no desirable merit in Fig Leaves, they entangle you in the end !