Who dares to stand up for OPTION II Evolution versus Fulfillment If Gorbachev's wif had known... It's Health-Wealth-Fulfillment Shop the top if you do your bit... The New Science is born... Who started it? More than art for art' sake!

Shop for Life Quality with the FIT421-Formula

Getting your X=Lifefulfillment Principles for Parametrization identified

Serving quality requires first to understand its fulfillment principle, then the vitality to follow it up in this unfriendly world, both as customer and as advisor, coach, service provider, at that leading edge of it fulfillment with whatever it takes with or without opinions. Typically the identification procedure requires the essential biography and up to 30 Minutes of personal interaction to make you understand what your X is all about. The parameters that can be derived from it are of life-long relevance for you - it is about that past of yours - your identity - which has the desirable lifefulfilling future for the rest of your life and provides exit strategies  beyond OPTION I. $125,00

The Kyäni-Health Triangle - best towards FIT421

One of the three products, Nitrix, is Nobel prize research based; you can experience it immediately in your coordination, in your vitality, within a week (testimonials). Just order Autoship for your Health Triangle to your home for your health benefit. When you get the desired HEALTH/VITALITY  results, then FIT421; you can then acquire the New Marketing Business Building Package for your desired WEALTH. Let me inform you as needed. I highly recommend that we first identify your X in order for you to get on track with your FULFILLMENT 2.

Customer tailored one-to-one or group Training and Coaching on-/off-line

My training and coaching is efficient and sustainable for it is based on the X of the participants, towards FIT421 (response) - with or without the above Health Triangle, starting with your F1-goal in your presence towards your desired future for Life- through Task-Fulfillment as outlined and further; even bad news can be handled... to be negotiated, around $175,00/hour and/or profit oriented
© Copyright 2014, personal usage is encouraged, Dr. Peter Meier Zürich (Switzerland)
ReDeSign by Dr. Peter Meier LESA   Leading Edge Science Advisor Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich (Switzerland)
Designed in view of LifeFulfilling Platforms based on OPTION II
forms and events wordy humanities        technology      relationship truths
Identify your OPTION II Get vital enoughto maintain it Get wealthy and insightful enough to let go of OPTION I where it is out-dated  Fulfill your Life withcorresponding Tasks  1) Get clear about your image BRAND,goal and DREAM 2) invest means in a PACKAGEthat sells in the market place 3) pay the price and do the work          to POSITION yourself  4) enjoy your success, reinvest and           PRESENT it as your self-made self - even  $    at the price of losing your true self / soul... pretending OPTION II is too       complex; cannot be under-                 stood by people                         under its MATRIX                            in STRESS!       OPTION I, the rat race    for mass-attractivity casts a shadow over YOUR OPTION II:
PLEASE experience now what is possible...........     Click      to get beyond    
Under Option I, people are conditioned to treat the shadow, the pre-trans-trappin substance filtering culture, as the real thing, while in fact it is self-destructive and thus an ephemeral illusion like a bird with cut wings. Out of such a birds ashes, after it could no longer survive to fulfill it life, will never rise a Phoenix as made us the Ancient Greek believe in the name of their man-made gods as the pillars of then then philosophically erected, still prevailing OPTION I cult, now at its wit’s end. The the past failing cultures usually put themselves to ashes lacking the concepts for a desirable redesign. That lack is still prevailing in humanity, but the Damocles sword of total annihilation of life on Earth does not allow the Phoenix trick on the global level anymore...but you can still try it locally to ignore my offer and still pretend divide and rule up to war is the father of all things rather than understanding and synergy...   
It’s Time for OPTION II shopping !