© Copyright 2014, personal usage is encouraged, Dr. Peter Meier Zürich (Switzerland)
Designed in view of LifeFulfilling Platforms based on OPTION II
[DEUTSCH-Beispiel] The possible sciences allow to embellish rule speed up and amplify / synergy
by Dr. Peter Meier LESA
Leading Edge Science Advisor
Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich (Switzerland)
There are 12 ways 3 of them “scientific”, to deal with Bm-
publically multiplied Boundary conditions with X-personally
relevant, substantial understanding or interpretation:
The Zeitgeist emerges from expressing opinions#0 to project them
into collective institutions/groups which organize them into the
mainstream wordy prejudices#2 based on which politics decides on
investments into hard science#1 towards technologies ,which allow
stronger and faster ways of projecting power, which then give rise
to opinions about this progression and so on. In the economic cycle
of accumulation of power, structural crisis, innovation, redesign-
ing power and so on, the remaining 9 ways emerge:
The 13 possible inner
resources of real human
beings for the 2-2 main-
stream humanities allow
no substantial F1-input to
it in the name of its
pretended objectivity.
Also there is no F7-influ-
ence coming from, no F8-
coping with necessities
towards providing F9-
basics accepted! This
allows F4-self-centered
courts for F5-entrepre-
neurs, former nobilities, to
F6-control the F2-produc-
tion and F3-dissemination of their products and services
to please the ‘elite’: Their 2-2 ideology needs to allow
6Bm>1 to F6-control the Bm-Boundary conditions
about what is to be multiplied and what not, where it
would be >1 very bad for the elite and above all for
their OPTION I, so that,
6Pw>3 they can Pw indulge in Processes beyond >3
unsatisfactory consequences, such as when Louis
XIV said: “After me disaster...”, which surely came with
the terror of the French Revolution and its wars!
6Om>3 So that until doomsday, the 2-2 elite can
pursue their Objectives philosophically at the cost of
their >3 dissatisfied serves, so they can
6Oe>5 establish what is >5 good legitimately and
5Be>6 to secure such privileges, so they can employ
F5-entrepreneurs to establish their law as the order of
what is >6 very good for the noble elite...
5Bw>1 That might require >1 very unjust executions
of sentences such as crucifixions..., and
5Pm>1 >1 very bad Processes such as wars which
multiplied up to World Wars...
5Ow>3 To get away with thus >3 unsatisfactory
Objectives, the 2-2 elites stand out with their glamor,
5Cm>3 and that requires F5-entrepreneurial spin
doctors to Communicate so that, what is in fact >3
unsatisfactory, gets multiplied as a virtue, such as
dying for the king and the father land and so on...
4Bm>2 And all this needs to be F4-administered to
displace what is >2 bad onto some scapegoats, so that
the OPTION I show can m-go on exclusively as
wanted by “God’s representatives on Earth”...
3Bm>2 And then, as a matter of course, the resulting
>2 bad human catastrophes can be blamed on those
who are not part of the above thinking catastrophes,
for not to not complying,
3Pm>6 declaring the F3-tangible Pm-evolution like the
myths of economy as the >6 very best possibilities,
while in fact they are thinking catastrophes evoking the
known human catastrophes. Of course such relation-
ship truths may not be understood by those affected,
2Be>6 so that those who B-rule by establishing divid-
ing people, appear as >6 very good, deserving all the
privileges, such as the “Great Leaders” in North Korea
and a bit more subtly, managers in all 2-2 institutions
under the spell of the OPTION I ideology...
So much for the psycho-political “Bermuda-
Triangle” of the Evil of the Time under the
permanently self-destructive OPTION II...
The mainstream, permanently self-destructive Zeitgeist
provokes the #1-2-0-1...reactions; to cope with it, the three faculties
of organized science led by the 2-2 personally-neutral humanities up
to politics#, which allows investment in the content-free number-based
hard 1-1 science of nature up to technology to drive the economy#1
and remain in politics’ service. And that gives rise to all sorts of arts for
the desirable designs and events, up to the spin#0 to maintain the
mass-attractivity of these three sciences#0-2-1, the predecessors of
the former gods. Personally-neutral, seemingly objective science#2
fiercely opposes personally relevant conscience#3 with its 1-3 personal
responsibility for quantities#1, 2-3 for society#2, and 0-3 for the artificial
man-made forms and today’s virtual spaces#0 beyond idolatry.
Jesus Christ provoked this OPTION I on all 3 levels of conscience until
it revealed its evil inner dynamic in having him crucified, for all with
eyes to see, ears to hear and mental operating systems to understand
what life is about! It is for YOU to fulfill what/who YOU innately are, in
the hope of YOU turning towards YOUR OPTION II for which YOU were
created, by employing YOUR conscience#3 for YOUR Life- through
Task-Fulfillment as exemplified by Jesus Christ and supported by the
Holy Spirit beyond the #0-2-1-0 evil of the time...
“Naturally” the elite has no interest in YOU understanding such
relationship truth and so its scribes heavily react to what I am saying
here as do the mental pre-trans-trap viruses people have been
implanted with to prevent a coherent model of real human beings!
How wordy Ideologies corrupt the 9 Basic Functions
personally relevant expression ruling service